Unsettling pregnancy news


Unsettling pregnancy news

I have question that is a bit unsettling but I do need support
I was carrying twins until I miscarried which is fine I'm over that now cos it wasnt meant to be and I'm trying to stay positive which is hard cos now after a down syndrome test bloods and ultrasound testing which is cool cos all pregnancies get tested but now my baby is under treat cos of my age being 35 and my partner the same age I got flagged for trisomy 18 and down syndrome and I'm freaking out

Has any mummas gone through this and everything turned out okay ??
Please help and share ur stories cos I really need this baby to be okay as further testing and ultrasounds are happening tomorrow

Posted in:  Self Care, Pregnancy

4 Replies


I don’t have experience but I will say,
Take all the tests you need to make a well informed decision.
You’ve had way too much pain for one person, please use your support network and I sincerely hope you get the results you want.


I haven’t been in this situation but I understand why you would be concerned, if you can afford the harmony test go for it. I’m part of the BabyCentre forum (birthclub) and there are a number of women who have been in your situation who go on for further test to be told they are low risk. Your age is a high risk indicator but there are other factors and the harmony test is more accurate. I hope all goes well tomorrow and will be thinking of you.


Prior to an amniocentesis I would strongly suggest opting for the harmony test.

I am sure everything will be fine, however no matter what just ensure you are informed and whatever decisions need to be made do seek out the help of a genetic counsellor and social services via your hospital. xxxx


I had a baby in my 30’s. I was offered the test but I refused. Had a great doctor who asked this question.
Will it change your mind if it’s positive or negative for DS?
I said I’d still have the baby regardless of the test. So that was simple, no test, no stress. I may have had a baby with DS but I’d still love him/her regardless.
