When will this faze end


When will this faze end

My 7 ds is going through a faze and I’m over it, I get he growing, but he become fussy with dinner, won’t eat it even his favourite food then will ask for snacks soon after,I don’t give in to him if he doesn’t eat dinner then he can’t eat other food. He is also backchatting and been rude to everyone in the family. I have taken him to the doctors there is nothing wrong with him and his home life is good, I spoke to his teacher and he is great for her

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

3 Replies


Sadly they get worse before they get better. The joy of children.


My 7 year old daughter is the same. The tantrums, back chatting, bad attitude, fussiness is enough to make me want to scream most days. I hold hope that it will get better. I’m sure they will settle just in time for pre teen hormones to kick in


Can I recommend really standing your ground. Make sure your child understands what is and isn't exceptable behaviour. Displine everytime they step out of line. Don't let it slide hoping that it is just a faze they are going through. Nip it in the but now or you will regret it when they hit puberty/ teenage years.
