Implanon and your period


Implanon and your period

I had the implanon contraceptive rod put in my arm in November last year.
Since the implant I haven't had one period, not even any symptoms..... until today. I go to the toilet and find blood. I'm in a bit of panic, is it my period or is it something worse.
Is it normal to get your period whilst you have the rod? I've never looked into it, was happy not to still get them. Lol

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing

4 Replies


8 years on implanon here.
This is very normal!

Ive gone through phases of 6 to 8 months without a period. Ive gone through phases of having a period every 2 week. I've had bleeding for 3 weeks at a time and everything in between lol.

You get used to your period doing whatever the hell it wants 😂


Totally normal. I didn't get my period for a year and then it was the worst contraception ever. Depressed, boobs deflated from a D to a B at most, bled constantly.


Just another thing to keep in mind, implanon can be notorious for mimicking pregnancy symptoms too. That's quite alarming the first time it happens haha!


I was one of the unlucky ones that still got my period every month on implanon for the 3 years I had it in
