Help me help my husband


Help me help my husband

how do you help someone loose weight when you have never had to diet?
My husband wants to loose weight about 40kg, which will bring him back to a healthy weight range. I do all the cooking. I’ve personally never been over 50kgs except while I’m pregnant.
I don’t understand how to count carbs, or anything.
I’ve been researching and reading everything I can but now I’m just confused.
He wants to try Keto and no matter how much I try I can’t get his carb count low enough. we have cut all potato, rice, pasta and bread and it’s still way too high.
Help me understand what I’m doing please!

Posted in:  Food, Health & Wellbeing

8 Replies


Maybe you could make an appointment with a dietitian. You could both go together, that way you are both getting the same information and can work as a team to help him have a better relationship with food. Good on you for doing what you are doing xx


Keto is basically veggies and good fats. Nothing else.

Lots of avocado, eggs, bacon, coconut oil, cheese, cream ect

When I've done keto, I have things like eggs for breakfast. Nothing else. Lunch is usually vegetables and hard boiled eggs or cheese. Dinner is easier, meat and veg, no potato. Have cauliflower mash instead or load up the greens.

Start small and then you can slowly start trialling other things without sky rocketing the carb count.


I agree Keto ! My husband lost 45 kilos on keto


See a dietitian what works for one person can be terrible advise for another person. Keto actually comes with a bunch of health risks and it’s important to not drop a food that you need nutrionally.
I personally follow the 1/4 plate protein, 1/4 plate carb, and 1/2 plate veggie guidelines.
It means I don’t feel deprived of everything, I’m getting a wide range of nutrients and it’s very easy to follow.


I’d ask for blood tests first.
This way you can see what you need health wise.


Since turning 35 I find it really hard to lose weight. However I’m not pregnant with gestational diabetes and have only put on 5-6kg (31wks) whereas with my previous pregnancies I would have put on 20kg!!! I had to cut sugar and it’s incredible to realise just how much I used to indulge daily. My diet otherwise was very healthy - porridge for beast, salad for lunch, steak and heaps of veges for dinner, I swapped out sugary things and now I barely crave it at all. I’ve almost completely cut out carbs now too. Go keto and cut out all his sugar. Reduce his carbs. Another thing to do is when you serve him up (assuming you cook) slowly reduce his portion size. If you make lasagne or something reduce his portion and add heaps of salad or veges. Salad and veges with every dinner to fill him up!! Good luck. I wish I had your genes 😂


Doctors spend barely any time on nutrition so are basically useless.
Dietitians are taught one way which is now quickly being realized as wrong.
You’ve only got to look to see even CSIRO and diabetics are all recommending and following a low carb lifestyle.

Pete Evans has books, CSIRO has books.
I’d watch “The Magic Pill” on Netflix and “That Sugar Film”, “Cereal Killers”, “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead”


We simplified it, no processed sugar, gluten or dairy or alcohol.
Fasting between 9pm and 1pm (just adjust to your schedule but leave it an 8 hour window to eat) we both lost over 10 kg in 2 months
