Husband looking up prostitutes


Husband looking up prostitutes

Hi ladies
On top of checking out porn almost every day I just found local brothels on my husbands iPhone searches
Not pop ups
He’s actually typed in our local city and escorts and not just once
He sits on the escort sites browsing through
He often goes to mates houses overnight when we fight and that’s when I see he searches at midnight 2am etc
He says he was just looking it up
I call liar
Either way I kicked him out
He had zero remorse, instead calling me a psycho etc
Does everybody agree that either way this is a deal breaker?

14 Replies


The fact that he runs away to his mates when you fight would be a huge red flag the relationship isn’t working in the first place.
The fact you’ve had a fight and his reaction is to run away and then google prostitutes would tell me my husband had a very unhealthy mindset.
It would be a deal breaker for me.


Dump him sounds like a child who will not accept responsibility run ,your probably fed up putting up with him already !


You're right. His response shows how cold he is in manipulating you. Remmeber that when/If he ever agrees he did it or thought about it, just once and cries he's so remorseful.


Deal breaker 100%


You don’t look up hookers unless your going to fuck one! You did the right thing, now go and get an STD check asap


If he was having a drink and looking them up with a mate who is single or to look at who would do it, I can see that happening. I'd look it up with hubby out of curiosity if it was legal in QLD. But if it's more than once I'd call bullsh1t.


He goes away and I see the searches at 2am, 12mid etc so its when he’s not even at home
He deleted the searches but didn’t know his gmail account still captured it


Totally a deal breaker. Good on you for calling him out on it and not taking his crap!!


I’m in a similar situation with my fience, the only difference is we’re open with each other and communicate what each other’s wants and desires are. If he had come to you, and had the discussion openly and honestly with you about the topic, I think you wouldn’t feel betrayed or the lack of trust. Considering he did it behind your back, it’s probably too late to amend what you guys once had. Had he been open and honest, this may have been something for you to consider as a couple. If you’re still in love with him and would be willing to forgive him without resentment, then you might be able to save your relationship. I hope this helps with whatever decision you make and good luck to you.


This is a guy with double standards, he goes on and on about
"how many people have I slept with" (before I met him) and grills even my friends for info. checks my emails from 6 years before we met to "search for men I might have contacted" so he can then go on about it and ask me every pretty poor form to be doing everythin he shouldn't, (when he is that touchy about me about things I did when I hadn't even met him yet!!)




What a controlling dick! Yep, you did the right thing. Should have got rid of him years ago!


That is manipulative behavior and generally because they are doing something they shouldn't so they deflect to make you look the bad guy.

My ex husband was going to brothels and i had a feeling for a while. Until finally he left the eftpos receipt in his pocket yhe dumb arse! It came up as a lawn mowing business but thr address of the brothel and then he finally admitted it. Leaving that day was the best thing i ever did and now i have the most amazing husband ever!
Good luck x


If you want to look for proof look at bank statements. Many establishments won’t have Egypt’s but have an atm in the loby. It won’t say the name of the establishment but just cash out . On those nights that he has been at his mates house while you were fighting
