Sociological question


Sociological question

This might sound like an odd question but it’s something I’ve always wondered about.
I’m asking this in a purely sociological manner though it probably looks judgey. That’s not how I mean it.
I’ve always wondered why low income mothers, especially single mums on Centrelink always seem to formula feed and smoke.
Surely breastfeeding is much cheaper?

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour

39 Replies


Sorry but that is judgemental, it's also a massive generalisation and none of your business 🤷‍♀️
Last time I checked people can spend their money on whatever they like - free country and all.


Single mum on Centrelink here - breastfed all my 5 and never smoked a day. But did you consider that a single mum is stressed to the max going it alone and made the bottle feeding is easier and the smoking to relieve the stress.
Really though - youare asking for trouble


A. how do you know who is on Centrelink and who isn’t?
B. I was a single parent at 20, never smoked, I did breastfeed and used cloth nappies.

Your observations of a few people you know is not accurate data. So you don’t know if single mothers are more likely to smoke and bottle feed.

BUT i can tell you now, breastfeeding is exhausting, there are no breaks for single mums. Bottle feeding is less draining, and requires more support to the mother emotionally, physically and practically. If I handnt had an extremely hands on support network I wouldn’t have breastfed beyond a week!

At the end of the day none of your business.


Obviously a troll


Single mum, smoked and on Centrelink...... Sure breast feeding is much cheaper, but guess what I never had any milk to do it no matter how hard I tried.

You ask the question like I had a choice in formula feeding.

Funny story though, quit smoking, got married, husband worked as a cop, no Centrelink and had another baby..... couldn’t breastfeed that one either so they had formula too!

Stupid question really 😡


I have also wondered the same (except the formula part) - I absolutely can understand formula feeding and it is actually really cheap depending what brand you're using.

But I do question why they smoke, get their hair and nails done, lash extensions (and I also question how the fuck they can afford it when I work full time yet still can't seem to get any nice things like that done).


1. We don’t/didn’t all smoke!

2. We don’t/didn’t all get our nails, hair and eyelashes done (lucky to get hair done once a year).

3. You don’t know how they afford it because it’s none of your business. Maybe somebody they know works in a salon, maybe they volunteer to be a students guinea pig. Maybe, like In my situation they have a relative or friend who has gifted some things etc.

You just don’t know.

If you walked into my house you would not think I’m on a carers pension. That’s because I’m resourceful and I have a really good support network.


I'm sure you're the one that always bangs on about welfare recipients living the high life at the nail salon!

I'm on centrelink benefits, a good majority of my friends are on centrelink too. The common trend amongst us is that we have enough to pay our bills and buy the bare necessities, maybe throw a $4 McDonald's coffee and a stale muffin in as a treat.
I can assure you, there is no room in my budget for manicures, ciggies, alcohol or a flutter at the pokies (because that's all single mum's on welfare do right?).

Funnily enough, I actually got a voucher for my birthday from a wealthy rellative to a really fancy nail salon, i still haven't used it yet because I really can't be bothered justifying how I could afford it to people like you.

It shits me to tears that people who work think they're entitled to question people on benefit's spending habits.


Go use your voucher honey!! You’re relative wanted to spoil you, don’t disappoint ❣️ Enjoy the pampering and flash them new pretty nails on Facebook 🥰


When I smoked as a single parent, I think they were like $10-15 a packet and if I ran out I ran out, I’d ONLY get smokes after I got everything my kids needed. Never got my hair done, didn’t even colour it, not nails or lash extensions.

Smoking aside for a second, why shouldn’t a single parent afford themselves the luxury (if they can) of getting their hair, nails or lashes done 🤷🏻‍♀️

Most single parents are really quite resourceful (not saying partnered parents aren’t either) but I found as a single mum I was far more financially resourceful then when I was married because I was the only one responsible for bring in the dollar. To a degree I actually think I was better financially as a single mum then coupled because I never took credit, didn’t have a credit card, no loans, used lay-bys and budgeted well in advance because I didn’t want to risk my kids to miss out on a darn thing due to lack of money. Married, I always knew we’d have the cash if I needed it.


I was a single mum for 6 years and never smoked, had my hair and nails done or lash extensions. And not because I couldn't afford it either, I worked full time too. And also had a part time job and a casual job. Nothing from Centrelink or my ex. Stop being jealous, if you want those things budget better.


My local shopping centre has 2 little Asian nail places. They do full sets of acrylics for $25. My local TAFE always needs models for their trainees too, again, costing very little. I've even been known to use cute Kmart press ons, they looked good enough for people to ask where I'd had them done!
Honestly, why begrudge a single mum for doing something nice for herself, regardless of how much it costs and where her income comes from?


Wow... I mean... why is it any of your business how people spend their money or how they receive their money.

I wonder how you can tell they are on Centrelink/single.

This parenthood thing is rough I don’t begrudge anyone a vice! Mine is chocolate.

Breastfeeding also is a very personal thing. Most women don’t simply elect not to. Your shaming their decision is not helpful but says a lot about you as a person really.


Always formula feed and smoke????? Yes that is a judgement. If you're really interested, do a real study. Or look at one. Get real numbers. It will be broken into demographic by age, socio eco status, work type etc. Then read studies that look into influencing factors for each demographic to do it, beyond the obvious failure to bf and addiction.
Are you also interested in fathers?
It appears you're not actually interested in a real study more just to air your findings (which are judgements, there's no way you could actually know just by what you see)
Yet, if you would like some understanding as to why mothers may formula feed, they may lack breastfeeding knowledge, or support or information. They may have been pressured by the people around them, they may just choose it, their baby may need it, they may be recommended by a doctor, they may feel negative about doing it in public, the public areas they live in may be a contributing factor, because lower socio mother can't afford to buy donor milk or go to a hospital daily to collect it. Maybe they can't afford a lump sum amount for a pump. Maybe they couldn't get to nurses to access any help in establishing bf.
As to why mothers smoke, why does any one smoke? Addiction, which is almost impossible to break with unsupportive people, under high stress, with weak mental health etc etc.


All of the single mums I know don't smoke. Never noticed the formula v breast feeding probably because I don't actually care.


There’s always going to be the divide of working parents vs those on benefits. I don’t think their will ever be a happy medium and the bridge won’t be built.

It frustrates me to see the way SOME people behave who are on benefits because they choose not to work and have no real other reason than being lazy to live off the dole (I have a family member like this and I can’t stand it). But then I also see amazing women who scrape by and do absolutely everything they can to better themselves and provide for their family and they don’t want to live off benefits but have no other choice.

I try and find mutual respect but it does also cross my mind at times and I just push the feelings aside because at the end of the day I haven’t walked in their shoes (and I really hope I don’t either - who wants to live that life by choice honestly?)


"I’ve always wondered why low income mothers, especially single mums on Centrelink always seem to formula feed and smoke."

So you're saying ALL low income mothers smoke and formula feed? How do you know this? Are you the ABS or something? My partner smokes. He works hard so whatever. It costs nearly $300 a week to be a smoker these days. I highly doubt theres a heap of low income Mothers rushing out to buy smokes. If they are, good for them since they are paying like 80% tax on the bloody things. What about low income fathers? Why are you only concerned with how the mothers do this? What about low income aged pensioners who smoke? I think you're being extremely judgmental. One of those 'no offence but ...' people. Mind your business.


To try to change your judgement, I also, like so many other mothers have said, in all of my years mothering haven't come across one mum on the dole that smokes. And for the record most bf or try their but off at it.


I agree with the poster . MOST single pension mums i know are more than just smoking . Meth is the drug of choice . They make their money by selling it and working as sex workers making more than 6000$ a week between the two. .

Lets make this clear , i am NOT a meth user , and nor have i ever been .

As a sex worker , i can tell you now , its very likely thats how they are making more than ends meet . Dont judge . Im just enlightening you .


Wow, you found out our dirty little secret.
Yes, MOST of us are sex working, meth addicts.
Pass it on, let society know........
Nothing like another stereotype for us.
Being a sex worker, you wouldn’t have a skewed or biased opinion on how many single mums are sex workers.


Just saying what i know to be true in my own world . Not for everyones world . Only how ive seen it . It is not everywhere , only giving my own realistic opinion . We are all different .


You're a prostitute? Obviously that's common in your world but that's not a true reflection of the rest of the population.



I, have never tried meth and don’t sell meth! I don’t know anyone that does, that’s female. I do know a few men that use.

Maybe the people you hang out with are the problem and not single mums in general??


This is hilarious 😂


People that go out of their way to state their non meth usage usually are meth heads.


Hmm, I've been in some pretty tough spots financially but I can't say I've ever considered going into sex work and trying meth.

I actually remember reading an article a while back about the alarming rise of men on 6 figure incomes developing ice addictions. Something to do with job pressures etc.

Surely we are all intelligent enough to know that addiction doesn't discriminate. It's not just a poor person's disease!

Not that this has anything to do with the original question, this has taken quite a turn lol!


Single mums are meth heads, but don’t judge....this is becoming comical lol


That is true, meth use is common for fifo workers, truck drivers, construction workers, shift workers, it keeps them awake. There have been a few drug busts on mine sites.


I’m a single mum (divorced).
I smoke.
I tried to breastfeed but baby was losing weight, bleeding nipples, couldn’t latch (was married at that time if that’s okay).
I work full time and receive 80 per fortnight Centrelink.
There was a time I was unemployed, couldn’t find a job, high unemployment where I live, so wasn’t working and smoking!
I am also highly educated, recently got my masters.
So where do I fall into your pigeon hole?

Thanks for further marginalising a group of women that are already outcast in our society, in a mother’s support group no less.
Let’s define people by their smoking status and ability to breastfeed their children.
Unfortunately, I am not surprised by your comments, you’re just a mirror of how society views us.
I hope your partner never leaves you or dies (oh I forgot, widowers are socially acceptable) and you end up in this group of degenerates, lowered to not your value as a person but your smoking status, breastfeeding capabilities, how often you go to the hairdressers, get your nails done, what you wear, who you politely smile to (must be trying to steal your husband).

Your point of overseeing us due to our lifestyles being funded by the taxpayer is mute these days because a high proportion of couples also receive Centrelink.

Thanks for taking this safe place for mums and reminding us of our status of being lower than partnered mums and worthy of being singled out and scrutinised for our lifestyle choices.


What a pack of nasty bitches on here ! The postee did not want judgement ! Get over yourselves you pack of hormonal vaginal wolves how dare you make this poster feel like shit . She is speaking from what she has seen . How dare the lot of you degrade her opinion on what she only knows . I dont give a fuck what your comebacks are to this post , the poster has a genuine question , and although her querie doesnt apply to YOUR world , it does to hers .

Stop making women feel like they can't have a say , if thats what she has seen then so be it ! I dont give a fuck what your responses are for youreselves for my post here , she has a legitimate enquiry on what she has seen . Stop taking such offense like its an attack on u personally . She has a right to question her concerns without such brutal judgement on you petsonally . Bunch of period dripping wolves the lot of you.


But what's her question? Does she really want an answer? If she's really interested, answers and understanding issues ( and finding out if your perceptions are even true) is really easy to find and educate yourself on, and even help with if shes really concerned. Ok it's hard work and a lot of reading, maybe that's why she's not actually doing that.
Does seem she's just looking for a place to say something negative that she sees/feels about a very specific group - nonetheless on a forum created for all mothers, so obviously including that exact demographic.


OP came here with their anecdotal evidence, like this shit wasn't going to rub people the wrong way!?
Whether or not it was intentional the judgmental overtones are undeniable!

Women of this demographic are already marginalised, stereotyped and treated like a damn skid mark on society. We don't need privileged people who have literally no idea what it's like to walk in our shoes make redundant observations and sweeping generalizations about us!

This person is seriously uneducated about low socioeconomic issues and that there's a difference between low income and low socioeconomic.


You know it's also really ironic calling out supposed "nasty" behaviour by calling people period dripping vagina wolves, yeah?

Also that's half the problem, she came here with what she perceives to be real, not what's ACTUALLY real.
That's what's pissing people off!


Becasue not all of us had boobs that worked and fed us best!!! (So I’m a bit offended by that part of your post becasue my boobs did not do what they were supposed to do and I feel guilty for that becasue I tried so hard to breast feed) I’m not a single mother now but I never understood mother’s on a pension smoking becasue they’re so of damn expensive and I’d rather feed my kids and pay my bills before picking up the expensive habit. I still drank but it was cheap alcohol. I’ve actually had friends who’s husbands worked and they were a stay at home mum they smoked and they were struggling financially. I suggested they give up smoking because they’re so expensive and I got told to “fuck off” so I guess any one will smoke no matter their situation.


Assuming this is a genuine question, I'd suggest that your experience /observations are screwed by the demographic you live in or have observed. Data from research internationally actually shows that alcohol and cigarette consumption whilst pregnant is substantially more prevalent in professional women that have babies later in life than lower socioeconomic mums. However, yes, that same demographic does have higher rates of breastfeeding than lower socioeconomic mothers (such as welfare recipients). A lot of the research suggests this is due to personality factors of highly successful women being more likely to persevere where feeding issues present, having more funds to access support, having more money to hire or buy high quality breast pumps so that babies can be mix fed initially if required but mum can still bring their milk on, being able to afford medication that can help complications and having more time in hospital before being left on their own (public vs private discharge times are quite different). That said, I am an allied health practitioner and work with social welfare recipients. Smoking is really not big due to cost and the majority of mums breastfeed if they can. I've also been working in this area for for almost 20 years in remote, rural and metropolitan areas so I am aware that your observations can appear to be the case in some areas... But it isn't reflective of the norm overall.


Not everyone can breastfeed. Plus how do you know who is/isn't on centrelink payments?


Usually people tell you


I'm not so sure about that...
I actively avoid telling people I'm on centrelink payments because:
1. It's none of their business.
2. As per this post, people are judgy as fuck and because they have the whole "my taxes pay your income" attitude, they think they have the right to question people about what they spend their money on!


I guess if people aren't working you could assume they are getting Centrelink payments - they don't need to tell you. People like me who get a small amount of PPS, because they are working, you would not necessarily know unless they told you. I believe that what single parents receive from the government should be enough to get by - no sex for money or drug selling needed?
