Toddlers scared of food


Toddlers scared of food

My three and a half year old has always had a terrible gag reflex. When ever we give her Medicine she immediately throws it up. We get the same thing trying to make her eat something she doesn’t want to eat. Lately she’s been saying she’s scared of food. She has an incredibly limited variety of food that she’ll eat and even that is a struggle to make her eat sometimes. Very little of it is salad and I’m trying so hard to get her to eat things. I don’t know what my question is. At what point do you get the gp involved? I hate meal times now because it’s a constant struggle.

Posted in:  Food, Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

2 Replies


Now is the time to get the GP involved even if it just to put your mind at ease that she is getting enough nutrition. It is unusual for people to be scared of food so worth getting the ball rolling now on trying to suss out a potential solution then driving yourself crazy worrying about it. You being worried will also only make the situation worse and she will feed of your anxiety which will confirm in her mind that there is something to be worried/scared of.


See a GP ask for a referral to a paed and/or dietician.

Also google ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder). My daughter has this and she’s terrified of certain foods, and will vomit or dry reach when having a ‘non preferred food’. Not in anyway suggesting this is what your little one has but IF she did it’s way easier getting support while she is younger.
