Dog phobia


Dog phobia

Looking for tips to help my child get over her fear of dogs. My 8yo is petrified of dogs, to the point where she is beginning to not want to go to the park just incase there is a dog there. There has been no recent bad time with a dog and she has never been bitten or anything. She used to be willing to play with family or friends dogs. Used to say things like she doesn’t like them licking or jumping when we were at peoples houses that owned them, but would not be scared of them. We have always tried to teach them the right way to approach a strange dog, always talk to the owner first, pat them on the back etc. But now she bolts if she even sees one. She can’t tell me why she’s scared in the moment she is too overwhelmed and if I ask later in a safe space she just says that they are frightening and are going to “get her” but can’t explain what that means to her. Trying to find some way to deal with it at home.

Posted in:  Behaviour

1 Replies


Has she watched any videos on youtube or tv shows/movies or news of dog attacks or dog fighting?

When I was a child I was scared of dogs until my parents got me a puppy 🤷‍♀️
