Leaving without telling


Leaving without telling

How do I leave my husband without telling him? Is that wrong I’m scared for myself & the kids what he will do if I do tell him.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Kids

7 Replies


Find someone to support you.

Tell them your plan.

If you can, engage family or friends to assist. When he is at work have a big group come and help you pack, take the necessities and get them to bring all the suitcases so it’s not suspicious.

If you don’t have any family or friends to rely on, honestly go to your local vinnies, salvos or church and they’ll assist you!!!

Contact the police and let them know what you’re doing. They can be on alert or even assist.

You can do this! Please, PLEASE do it ASAP for your safety.


You definitely should leave without telling him. Safety comes first.
If you can contact 1800respect for advice on how to leave as safely as possible.
I’d plan to do it while he is at work, if you can. There are services that can help you.
Remember things are just things that can be replaced later. Your safety comes first.


Or you scared that he might hurt you or are you scared he is going to be upset and cause a scene


It depends if your fear is real. If you're in danger then it's fine and you do need support.
If you have anxiety or can't face him out of unfounded fear, then it's still ok to leave but you will need to tell him about the kids.
Either way you will need to coparent if he wants to, whatever that looks like. Get support in place now.


I would only do that if you and your kids are at risk, if he is on drugs or violent. If you are scared then just get everything in order and leave one day. I wouldn’t leave though if no one is at risk of harm.


If your safety is at risk, leave without telling him. If not I would tell him your leaving. Fairly recently I left my husband, I told him I was leaving, but he didn't know when. Packed up the whole house (everything that was mine) and moved in a day, when he was at work. Had a few trusted friends and got removalists to help.


You need to call for support from a family violence support service and get help to plan. 1800Respect our your local service. Don't tell him if you are scared. You can keep some money in a secret place and your essentials, ID etc in case you need to leave in a hurry. Can you talk to a friend or family member about what's going on?
