


I'm really struggling to look in the mirror some days. All I see when I look in the mirror is all the features I share with my dead father. He sexually abused me my whole childhood and seeing his face in mine makes me wish I could curl up and die. I don't look like him but I definitely look like my fathers daughter. I hate it so much. I am not at risk of suicide or anything and I already see a therapist.
How am I supposed to live my life when the older I get the more I resemble him? I can't stand it.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression

3 Replies


Get in touch with your local Center Against Sexual Assault to talk through this with someone. They specialise in this area and will be able to help.


Other alternatives are to see an energy healer to cut your cords with your father and use affirmations and self love techniques. Read the book How to heal your life by Louise Hay to get started.


Sounds like your still identified to him, great advice on the forum, consider emdr therapy to help integrate the disowned parts of you. Sorry you live with this, you need to find YOU and nothing else will matter. Trauma changes you for good but you still have time to experience a better life and a safer world.
