My 4 year old is refusing to eat


My 4 year old is refusing to eat

I'm just wondering what resources maybe available to me. My 4 year old wont eat anything other than bananas, crackers and marmite sandwiches. he will only drink water (which is good). He will absolutely refuse to eat anything else i always hear "if he is hungry he will eat" but he just wont eat. He will complain about having a sore tummy but i don't know if that's to do with hunger or something else. I have tried the Doctors i have tried daycare and they all say he is young he is fine but it scares me so dam much. he is skin and bones. Does anyone have anything that will help me try encourage him to eat

Posted in:  Food, Behaviour, Kids

2 Replies


Try mixing up the things he already eats, so try a banana sandwich or marmite on crackers. Once you can get him trying the different variations try adding something new, like a banana and strawberry sandwich or marmite and cheese crackers. Try and offer one different thing every day on its own, like a small yoghurt. Keep it simple and don't make a big fuss if he doesn't eat something, just shrug your shoulders and eat it yourself.

Suzannah Dacre

Social eating... It works! Get some kids together, friends etc and he will eventually copy.
