How little sleep can a mum survive on?


How little sleep can a mum survive on?

Imperfect mums how much sleep do you actually get? How old are your kids?

I am 27 weeks pregnant with my fourth and my 19 month old is a crap sleeper. He is impossible to get to sleep and when I do he is awake half the night. Between him and my other two waking up from bad dreams and bed wetting I am a max 3hours. Is this usual? Do all you other mums deal with this torture also?

Any tips on survival? I feel like I am turning into a zombie and my cranky mood is affecting everything. Also any tips on how to get my toddler to sleep would be appreciated. I have a bedtime routine etc but nothing seems to help.

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler

6 Replies


Doctor told me you must have a 5 hour block of sleep to survive/function. It is so horrible running on a lack of sleep, I absolutely know the pain. I have a 19 monther who is a crap sleeper and am also pregnant :(

I would start by putting the other two in night nappies/pull ups to alleviate the bed wetting and stop you needing to get up to them. Some kids just aren't ready to sleep without them on yet and there's no shame in it.

Do you co-sleep with your youngest? It probably isn't something you want to do but in order to get a decent sleep it may be something to consider. Has he always been a crap sleeper?


No, this is not usual.
It sounds like your kids need some help. There are loads of reasons children may/May not sleep and some of those are medical.
It’s time to discuss this situation with your family GP for assistance. I’d also think carefully about sleep school.
I’d put the bed wetter back in night nappies because you need a break and your kids need a sane mum.
Sleep deprivation is a serious issue and I know from personal experience over time you start to develop serious mental health issues.


My 2 year old was terrible- do you have access to a sleep school at your local hospital ? We just got in before he turned 2 and it was amazing! My son was cosleeping and breastfeeding all night and we left with him sleeping independently and no longer breast fed. Definitely couldn’t have done it without the support and ideas


This is not unusual, however it doesn't mean you just suffer through. Long term exhaustion will lead to depression and health problems. I find if I can get a good sleep every week I function a hundred times better. Even every second, or monthly, if you're not getting it at home, can you send them for a sleep over, or leave them with someone and you go for a sleep over somewhere quiet, or husband get them up morning and take them out so you get a decent sleep that way.


My three year old is only just becoming a reasonable sleeper. With her it's because she's been a clingy child since birth & would wake every cycle & cry for me to comfort her. I was crying with exhaustion - before realising I wasn't actually crying because my body too exhausted.

I don't want to alarm you, but it's not normal & in fact, I almost found out how dangerous it was when I had a microsleep behind the wheel, waking when my wheel hit the gutter & almost hit a row of trees. At low speed, but it still scared me into realising I couldn't carry the load alone & my hubby had to step up & help so I could get decent sleep.


On that little sleep I couldn't survive a week! You are a bloody legend! Please find help for yourself/your kids around sleep, mate that's awful and totally unsustainable. No one's mood /mental health can deal with that much sleep deprivation. Totally any bed wetting equals nappies as other have said. You don't have time for that! You know that that little sleep is much worse than alcohol in terms of driver reactions. It's dangerous. Something has got to give. Do you live with a partner? Is he /she also getting up like you are? You need a break. No excuses like they are working. You need help. Day time sleep also in order if you're that underslept. Good luck!
