Help! Naughty kids


Help! Naughty kids

My two daughters, two and four are so naughty and rude, demanding, always fighting or trying to hurt each other - specially after daycare. Hubby works away and I work part time. We have always had rules and consequences, we go out and about all the time and they have everything. Just feel like I’m yelling all the time, I think what’s the point. Just wanting to know it’s normal? Or how people have managed to get nice, well behaved children. Please help

Posted in:  Behaviour, Kids

4 Replies


It’s not uncommon. I always piss myself laughing when someone says ‘I had two close together so they could be friends’.
It’s worse around what I call the ‘witching hour’ in the lead up to dinner, when they are tired etc.


It’s their ages, promise it will get better ❤️


I’ve got a boy (4) and girl (2) and they are like this. Some days I feel at my wits end. They non-stop fight and hurt each other. I’m thinking it’s age related but they’ve never really got along... I can only hope one day


Between about 2 and 4.5 are such tough ages. You've got 2 in that hellish period!

My kids are also close in age, i can give you this advice from someone who's come out the other side.

1. Just stop yelling!
It doesn't achieve anything, the kids learn to tune off and you're just stressing yourself out.

2. Sometimes you just need to leave them to sort it out themselves.
Fighting is so normal and it actually shows they're navigating social skills and conflict resolution. If you jump in every time, they're not getting the opportunity to learn the skills to resolve their problems.

3. Make sure your consequences fit the crime.
Hitting = Automatic time out.
Rude = correct the behaviour immediately and model the behaviour you expect.
Demanding = don't just give in and cater to their every whim, encourage independence.
Tanties and squabbling = ignore.

Positive reinforcement will be more effective in the long run, so above all praise, praise, praise!

4. Implement some routines.
Save screen time for when you're cooking dinner - it will save your sanity.

5. Get them involved in householdy stuff.

6. Ensure they get some individual one on one time with you and make sure they get some space from one another.
