Online Sex Work - Live Cams


Online Sex Work - Live Cams

Online Sex Work - Live Cams

Positive - Helpful Advice only please.

Looking for advice, suggestions, on how to get into the industry and any information anyone may have.

Thank you x

Posted in:  IM's In Business

4 Replies


Find a chat room and set up
You need a web cam and make sure your space is tidy

Try watching a few other girls first so you can get an idea on what to do

And also remember it’s on the internet for life


I’m a full body sex worker and have been for 18 years . Wish I had advice for you on sex cams , but speaking from a sex worker point of view , it’s not for the faint hearted but if you’re up for some fun and great money, give it a go !! You just have to be a brilliant actress and no one will know any different. Good luck girl. Even though you won’t need it x x


Check laws in your state. No good earning money for a month if you land in jail. Oh... And be comfortable with having it impact on future jobs,your children and future relationships. In a perfect world it wouldn't.... But in reality it will.


I would suggest wearing some sort of mask a sexy one even to try and protect your identity and in return your family. I know a stripper where their dad came in and it was incredibly awkward. I’ve always though about this line of work but i’m Far too jiggly and old now.
