Partner..lack of intimacy & nastiness when drinking


Partner..lack of intimacy & nastiness when drinking

Hi there lovelies
I am in a longterm relationship but its having difficulties and i dont know how to resolve them..talking to him has not helped any...

Issue intimacy..he says he has lost his mojo ..he states it is him and not me..that i am everything he wants/desires but if i make advances i get rejected. ..this has been going on for months and now its like living with my brother

Issue 2..his drinking has increased from socially to regularly multiple times each week..if he drinks while we are out he is the life of the party..if its at home he turns nasty..nasty words...all night depriving me of sleep
And when approached the next day says he was joking or never said it..i have asked him to stop and he gets defensive
We have no kids together
What do i do?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Behaviour

6 Replies


For issue 1, I would get him to have a blood test and just check there is no hormone imbalance or vitamin deficiencies. It's amazing how a deficiency of some sort can change your sex drive. Is he depressed by any chance? Overtired? What's his excuse when he rejects you?

The drinking is a massive issue if he is becoming nasty and it is impacting you so much. He definitely needs to make a change there. Do you know why he is drinking? Following on from depression, is he hiding some feelings deep down and drinking to get them away? I would be telling him if he's going to be drinking to the point of becoming nasty he needs to leave the house to do so.


You need to leave and go out and enjoy your life.. no kids and it’s like that. Bail while you can!


Couselling or leave


Drinking excessively can cause para-somnia (basically sleep walking or a conscious blackout)
My partner never denied it but couldn’t remember it happening.
We talked about it and I downloaded a sleeptalk app on my phone that I can quickly and discretely activate. Once he could hear how nasty it was he could take steps to address it and the triggers that seemed to make it worse


Issue one sounds like a direct result of issue two. His drinking has become a problem, he either gets a handle on it or I'd walk!


