Husband not sure if he is gay


Husband not sure if he is gay

My husband has been going to gay cruising spots and now thinks he may be gay, we have not been intimate since we conceived our past child (2 years) I’m soo confused as to what to do

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Men's Business, Relationships

11 Replies


Let him go.


Let him go, he needs to figure this out without you caught in the middle. He needs time to figure himself out and you don’t deserve the uncertainty.


You both need to be having a very honest discussion, like right now!
What are you both wanting to acheive, what's the goal here?
Does your husband want to explore his sexuality?
Are you willing to wait for him to figure it out or do you want a clean break?
You're at an impasse, you need to lay it all out on the line and come to a solution that you are both happy with.


Time to send him on his way. He is cheating on you. You deserve better wether he is gay or straight.
Would you stay if he was trawling pick up spots for women???


Run! What’s the confusion?


Emotionally, you're already separated. Don't hold onto something that is already gone.

Bridey Zell-Walker

Not sure why exactly you should be running. He is still the same person, and it seems as though he is being honest with you. All there is to do is to consider how best to look after yourself in this situation, and perhaps be a compassionate and caring support for your husband as he works through this. He may be gay, he may be bi, he may just be curious. Some space during this time might be good for both of you. I'm sorry you are going through this.


I’d end it and let him see where it takes him. I’d rather my parter explore his thoughts he may be gay over him hiding it and possibly making risky choices like cruising to areas like you mentioned and bringing it home.


If you're married and have kids - it should be too bad you have commitments and responsibilities. Instead it's "what a brave person he is......blah blah blah"! What a selfish, self centred person, more like! In saying this, ultimately if he is only thinking about himself, he will leave to go after what he wants - prepare yourself.


I found out 18 months ago my husband was doing the same. He and I have had many honest discussions and he knows inside himself he’s not gay but enjoys sex with men.
It’s a fucking hard road as a wife.
So many men are doing this married men!!!! They just need to be honest with themselves and their wives!!!

You need to take care of yourself. First thing I did was get a sti check. At the end of the day only you can decide if you want to stay or go but ultimately your husband needs to soul search dig deep to find out where the desire comes from is it purely a sexually desire or does he see his future in a relationship ship with a man.

Your not alone!
Be kind to your self.

I found this was one of the only services available for woman who’s Husband are bisexual. They offer a phone counseling service has been a god send for me!!

Big hugs 💜❤️💜


Separate 😐
