Why am I having these dreams?


Why am I having these dreams?

Hi, 2yrs ago I lost a close friend/family member, it was with difficult circumstances and things had been difficult for a few years.. Ever since I have always had dreams with this person in them and each time I’m quite aware that they should be there as they have passed away, but they don’t seem to have a clue they have :( lately the dreams are more often and In my dreams I’m getting more upset which leads to me waking up absolutely stressed.. And I just don’t know what to do! It may sound crazy but I don’t know if I should see a medium or a psychologist..
Thanks xx

Posted in:  Loss & Grief

4 Replies


I feel like they are trying to tell you something or that you haven’t dealt with the loss.
Try and find ways to bring out what the dream is telling you to do.
In the dreams are you doing something in particular or at a particular place? Do you need to go there?


Try not to read too much into dreams, our subconscious can come up with the most wild things while we're asleep.

It does sound like this person's passing has had a profound effect on you, so If you're finding these dreams really unsettling and they're affecting your sleep, it really wouldn't hurt to talk it over with a proffessional, perhaps someone who specialises in grief counselling.

I personally am very sceptical about mediums and psychic's etc but if you're more open minded about this stuff than I am, even that may help you find some closure!


You may not be religious but I always think that when you dream of someone who has passed they are looking for prayers so pray and tell them to move on kindly
Maybe light a candle it helps release the energy


You need to deal with their death!
I lost my cousin two days after my son was born so I didn't have the time to deal with his death.
Deal with the death and you'll be able to dream without seeing them.
