Introducing solids


Introducing solids

At what age do you start to introduce solids? 4 or 6 months?
Baby is also still breastfed đŸ€±

Thank you 😊

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

10 Replies


Was recommended at 4 Months by pediatrician due to my little mans reflux.


4 months with my first, a bit before that with my second. Not full on meals but tastes of foods - a finger tip dipped in whatever we're eating, a chop bone to suck on, half a teaspoon of weetbix or veg puree and built from there. That's just what's worked for us and when our kids have shown interest


I did 4 months with my first and 6 with my second. I dont know if its coincidence or not but my first will eat very well and isnt the slightest bit fussy. My second well shes a super fussy eater. 3rd and 4th they started at 4 months and eat pretty much the same as my oldest. Like i said i dont know if its a coincidence or not or just thats how my kids are.


My pair are the same as yours. Eldest at 4 months, eats virtually everything. Youngest was much later due to being tube fed and nil by mouth, very fussy.


4 months for me. Right on the dot. As per MHN and paediatricians recommendations.

Mixed some breastmilk into his solids at first :) started with veg then a while later fruit.


4. It's not about reducing milk though... Just exposure to food helps reduce allergies. If they actually eat some (enough to get full) that's a bonus.


4 months, all babies have milk, not sure what breastfeeding has to do with it?


Both my bubs had reflux so I had them on solids at 4 months old.
Helped me tremendously with the reflux issues
Started with rice cereal
Went to apple purée always fed them the sweet stuff after having some of the blander stuff as they got older it was baby led for more solid things.
I followed the routines in “Save our Sleep” I found her routines and everything fantastic and if it wasn’t for that book I would have been so lost on introducing solids. My babies slept through the night early on and weren’t fussy with food. Now 4.5 years old and 2 and a bit years old. Great sleepers and eaters.


My eldest started on solids at 4 months. Took him for his 4 month needles, got home and sat down for my lunch, and he absolutely cracked it! I had a box of farex in the cupboard so mixed a bit up for him. He loved it. The next day I tried him on some purĂ©ed veg. Again, he loved it. It didn’t take long for him to get right into eating. By 12 months he was eating whatever we were eating. He’s now 13 and will eat virtually everything he is offered, although he does have his preferred foods.

My youngest was and still is a completely different kettle of fish. He was tube fed from birth and nil by mouth (with a few tastes of sauces our food was cooked in) till he was about 3 years old.

You need to follow your baby’s cues. Bub will begin to show an interest in your food when they are ready.


Follow the child not the "recommended age"
