Blog Posts

I want to share a story with you all. One, that I would like you to ponder and think on a deeper level about. You may have seen yesterday that there was a question posted about prostitution. The questioner was in a desperate situation where she was 3 weeks behind in rent and the prospect of being kicked out on the street was very real. She had two school aged children and a part time job however...
During my early school years I was labelled dumb by my teacher. “You’ll never amount to anything” “I just don’t understand how you don’t get it” “You just don’t focus” I was expelled from two different schools, because I ended up so bored I took on the roles of “the class clown” and ”the naughty kid” . I was ‘that’ kid. The kid that was spoken about in the staff-rooms. I ended up believing I was...
My heart skipped a beat. My throat contracted. The fluid left my mouth, and all I could taste was metal. Why? – I hear you say. I realised it was nearing the end of July, we were heading into August. August brings with it a lot of pain. – For me. It’s a month I would rather skip. That way I don’t have to feel the pain. The pain knowing that I will never celebrate your birthday with you . Knowing...
I’ve been married to my husband for 10 years today, Married 10, together 20. We’re often told how lucky we are, I think that’s a load of shit, we not lucky we just work bloody hard to keep our shit together. Here’s what we do. 1) We have fun and don’t take ourselves to seriously We enjoy each others company and we enjoy having fun, we dance, we sing, we act silly, we take the piss out of each...
Today I had the pleasure of meeting a beautiful human. I must share my experience with you. As most of you know my family own an Educational business and that is where I work. Today a man was waiting to pay at the counter, I turned to see him waiting and I apologised profusely. I felt both embarrassed and unprofessional as I was engaging in a conversation with another staff member whilst he...
Dearest Nanny, who we miss so much... As we sit remembering you, Grandad shares the moment he set his eyes on you, he was sitting on the sidelines at a ballroom watching you, you were dancing so beautifully, so gracefully – you took his breath away . Grandad leaned over close to his mates ear and says “I’ll marry that girl” his mate gave him a quizzical look and says ‘how do you know that? You...
How often do you look after you ? – Yes, the person reading this! – YOU! Do you ever think about how you would like to spend your time? Are you over scheduling yourself? Is everything you do for others? Do you spend any time alone? If you have answered ‘yes’ to 3 of these questions – You need to make a change! If you have answered ‘yes’ to all of these questions, drop what you're doing and make a...
How loud is your self hate voice? Really think about that! – As parents we know that we need to fill our kids heads with words of affirmations and try to give them as much praise as possible so they can grow into successful humans. We know that right? Well, what about us? How often do you hear that little voice in your head putting you down saying things like: “Well you really stuffed that up" "...
1. Turn your inner voice up Turn it up REAL LOUD! Listen to your own thoughts and your own feeling on matters. Dull the chattering voices, you don’t need to look to others to hear what have to say. It’s time to start looking within. The voice is there, it may be quiet, you just need to practice listening to it, this may take time, but honestly practice listening, it will get louder the more you...
And not to mention the fact that we can sometimes lose ourselves as we are FOREVER putting other peoples needs before our own. In order to be a great mum, you must look after yourself, your marriage and your life.