
Anon Imperfect Mum
Sorry, this is really long My daughter is 12yo. We suspect she is AuADHD - the wait list here is very long so the school and I are making accommodations based on our understanding there is something there. She has always been overweight and very self-conscious about her appearance. Her school...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi, I have been separated for going onto 6 years now, from a narcissistic man who destroyed me for over 8 years in our relationship and who continues to successfully do so, even now. I have completed parenting courses, conflict in family courses, emotional training, shark cage/DV courses, and many...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My son has been asking to start sagging his trousers recently. He is only 7 years old and while I'm okay with it, I guess, I just worry about the implications at school and in the community. Is this the big deal I'm making it out to be?
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi everyone My eldest is starting high school in 2025. His bday is coming up in October and we want to get him a very basic phone (OPPO or Galaxy A series). For safety, we would like to have some extra protection on it -for things like msgs, apps etc. He is a mature great kid but I just want some...
Anon Imperfect Mum
New step mum in need of advice. I gave my step son money to buy his dad a father's day gift from the school stall. Their mum has said she had it sorted and that's not to happen again in the future so she will return the money? Did I over step? My kids have a step mum and I love that she's involved...
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hi all!! Looking for some educational games for the tablet at home, trying to keep kids engaged in learning (yes, they do lots on paper still!!) We have reading eggs but some free ones would be great!! Kids are 10, 8 and 6. Thanks all!!
Anon Imperfect Mum
Hello Mums, our 5yr old with ASD is starting swimming lessons at school next month and we are needing some incontinence swim shorts, he is big for his age so looking for size 12 or equivalent swim pants. Can anyone recommend where to go or any online shops? Thanks 🙏
Anon Imperfect Mum
While I was helping my 7yr old sort his bedroom out today, I found a torn out picture from a chemist catalogue of a women’s breast (wearing a bra) under his pillow. He first told me his sister did it, then that he put it in the bin and it must have blew out and gotten under his pillow, then he told...
Anon Imperfect Mum
At a loss with my teenage son. Bit of a back story. Stepped away from week on week off with my kids for 2 years while my partner battled cancer then passed away as I was his full time carer. My ex partner had our children and I saw them when we were home from treatment. (We lived 5 hours away while...
Anon Imperfect Mum
My partner and I are seriously talking about having a baby together, I have 2 girls (2&4) and he has a 8 year old boy. I have my girls 50% and we have his some with us every second weekend and half of school holidays. We were together briefly when we were 17 & 18, we lost contact and...