
Hi, my 15 month old baby boy wakes every 2hrs of a night for boob. He is fine during the day, even goes to daycare 2 days a week with no worries, as soon as he gets home he cries for me and boob. I have tried aromatherapy, dummy, bottle ect to divert him but he us stubborn. I tried nuropen thinking...
Does your children's childcare make you feel bad for feeding in public/common areas. The childcare has said breastfeeding is only allowed in designated rooms/areas. They actually stop mothers feeding and ask them to move into private areas(babies room) to feed. Is this normal are others...
Can anyone clarify whether you can drink alcohol while breastfeeding? And how much alcohol passes through the breast milk? If you have sources, I'd really appreciate a link to them. I've tried google and there are conflicting studies and advice. It's my birthday soon and I'd like to have a few...
Hi mums, My Bub is 11 weeks old, and has just started to suck in air when feeding. Makes noise like when you slurp soup from a spoon Any ideas why? The only think I can think of is because he’s a big baby maybe my positioning has changed to accomodate? He does it in every position I’ve tried though...
I’m currently pregnant with bub number 3. I had so much trouble breastfeeding my first two that both times I only lasted between 2-4 weeks. I tried hard with my second one but I just couldn’t do it. I think ultimately it came down to not enough knowledge and advice on breastfeeding. Both times I...
Hi mums, I am due to return to full time work March 2nd, and my son will be going to daycare. He will be 1 on March 22nd. He has never been given formula or even a bottle of expressed milk. He loves food, but loves milk even more. I currently feed on demand. He has anywhere from 1-4 small feeds...
Partner left me when we found out I was pregnant. After a long emotional haul, I have decided to keep this child and be a solo parent. The ex is aware I have decided to keep the child. I have put forward that the door is open if he would like a relationship with his child. He has not responded to...
I'm currently sitting in hospital with my little guy who just turned 1 last week. He has had a NG tube inserted today, which he will need for roughly 3-6 months at this stage. We are only in here over night, should be going home in the morning. Just wondering from all those parents who have...
I gave birth a month ago and didnt breastfeed for reasons out of my control. I had no pain in the drying up process so I gathered my milk wasnt coming in properly anyways, however a month on and I can still squeeze milk out. It doesnt leak freely thankfully but i seem to still be producing a little...
My daughter is strictly on breast milk only but I want her get used to formula so the transition is easy once I stop breastfeeding. I’ve tried aptimal gold and she hates it. She’s 2 months and I just want to give her one bottle of formula each night. Is there anything close to the taste of breast...