Co sleeping

Co sleeping

Hi mums!
I've allowed my little lady back into my bed (she is 5) and we co sleep most nights. I cuddle her and she cuddles me. Anyone done this when there kid was younger and is now older? What are the effects it may have? Please no judgement..

6 Replies


Mine was 6 before she slept in her own room. She sleeps really well now most of the time. Sometimes she comes in with me in the night, I love it even more now its not often and she sleeps still.


My little boy is almost seven and still sleeps with me. He has since has been born


Your child will definitely have the terrible ailment of feeling loved and protected. You should definitely stop lol.


My 7 year old daughter likes sleeping in our bed especially if sick, over tired or worried about something. They’re still young - I think it’s lovely.


My daughter co slept, she’s now 12 and loves a cuddle but goes to her own bed and needs space. My son also co slept and at 10 still wants to but happily sleeps in his own bed most of the time. As a sole parent my bed is fairly empty so he does sleep beside me a few times a week... I know very soon this stage will pass and I’ll miss waking up to his little face


As long as everyone is getting a good nights sleep, it’s entirely up to you and your young lady. My 11 year old son would prefer to sleep in my bed every night (single mum so don’t share otherwise) if he could, but now that he is older he is a bed hog so it disturbs my sleep. He starts out in his bed every night but at least once or twice a week will end up in my bed. If he tries more often I will send him back to his bed as my sleep is just as important as his. My 13 year old son stopped coming in to my bed about 12-18 months ago but before that it was maybe every 2-3 months that he did come in. He was also a bed hog. I think he rarely came in because he didn’t like getting shoved over when I needed more space in the bed so I could get comfortable.
