Bag checks


Bag checks

So I go to
Tafe 5 days a week and have a small back pack I carry to tafe that has my lunch and wallet in it

Every day I stop in at the same
Woolies to buy a bottle of water and every day the same
Woman searches my bag. I am the only person she stops

Today I showed her my bag and then after I paid and went to leave she demanded to see it again! I feel like she is picking on me :(

I do look young and wear a lot
Of black and have blue hair but that’s no need to constantly look in my bag.

And after today I’ve had enough, having to show my bag twice and take everything out is a bit much :( should I complain.

And I worked at coles for 5 years and would never have done this and I worked in self serve and check outs
So I know about loss prevention and loss prevention measures

Posted in:  Life Lessons

18 Replies


I’d feel picked on too. Can’t remember the last time I saw anyone check a bag in Coles or woollies


I’m even wearing my tafe uniform with my name and course on it when I go in :(


Would there be any point in complaining?
Not being snarky but there are signs at my local store that say backpacks/school bags are not to be taken into the store and another store clearly states backpacks will be searched. I’m not disagreeing that she seems to be targeting you but she isn’t doing anything wrong or outside her job description so I’m not sure what complaining would actually do?


There’s no sign saying I can’t take my bag into the shop, I only have a problem as I’m the only one stopped while other people have bigger bags and don’t get stopped


Most stores have a condition of entry that backpacks or bags above a certain size must be submitted for a search. However, it is definitely not in her job description to unfairly target one specific person without reason to do so, she is wrong to make customers feel uncomfortable.
It's probably her tone and demeanor that's an issue too, I'd have no qualms if a staff member politely asked to check my bag and I'd know they were just doing their job. If If a staff member demanded to check my bag in an unwarranted accusatory way on a regular basis, I would feel personally attacked.

From an employers perspective, I think this behavior is definitely something management would want to know about!


This is the bitch in me but I'd start buying the water somewhere else and take a sip as I walked passed her every day


I doubt she would care?


Nope, not OK!
Next time it happens ask to speak to the manager, tell them you shop there daily and this particular staff member unfairly targets you.

You're probably going to get people say "just take water from home" or "shop else where" but it's the principle of the matter, you should be able to go about your shopping as a paying customer without being discriminated against.

I had my first child at 18, this used to happen in every shop I went into with my baby purely because of my age/appearance. One time I was even asked to take my sleeping baby out of his pram so they could check I hadn't hidden stolen goods underneath him.
It's embarrassing, demoralizing and I still feel paranoid leaving a shop without buying stuff because I feel like they think I'm a thief (mind you I'm now nearly 30).

Stand your ground on this one sweets, knock this power tripping bitch down a level!


Are you black? Theres a few shops around my place that treat aboriginal people like criminals without them doing anything to warrant it. Or maybe she does that to everyone?


Yes complain, the bag bitch is being discriminatory!


Just say no, you have EVERY RIGHT to REFUSE and there is NOTHING the bitch can do about it! I work in security & a woolies staff member can ask but you don't have to show her/him. Just say "no thankyou" and walk out with your head held high hun xxx


Then they would probably call security


They cannot legally look in your bag. Nor can security. They cannot hold you either. Just walk past her. Legally they cannot force you to show them the contents of your bag and making you take everything out is way over the top. The way I always think of it is you could have anything in your bag that you bought yesterday or the day before. Just because it’s something they sell it doesn’t mean you stole it. Looking in your bag tells them nothing. If they have actual cause to believe you have stolen something they need to call the police.


I would say no thank you and I would like to speak to your manager. They are not allowed to touch you or your belongings neither can security. If they really suspect you of stealing they need to call the police


Which store and where? I’ll majorly goth up and come annoy them.


By annoy them I mean ask a million questions about products etc. Loudly ask why she checks my bag and not others. And then complain to management and pass the story on to my reporter friend.


By annoy them I mean ask a million questions about products etc. Loudly ask why she checks my bag and not others. And then complain to management and pass the story on to my reporter friend.
