Ugly rental


Ugly rental

I've recently moved houses. I went from a beautiful brand new modern home to a old unit. The carpet has just been relayed form that 70s style orange carpet so that's a plus. But the kitchen is awful vinyl. Not to mention the bathroom floor tiles! Im in my early 20s so I'm not use to this stlye of house. I was researching how to make it look better and it was saying I can buy some vinyl to stick over the top and then pull up when it's time to leave.
Has any one ever done this? Or got any tips on how to change up the kitchen? With out ruining the floor of course. Something not to pricey either. But that's going to last the time how ever long that is.

Posted in:  Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, IM's In Business, Money

9 Replies


My house looks like a home in Mad Men, at first I hated it but now I've grown to like it. Its unique and there's not a lot of houses like it. I wouldn't do anything to the floors but maybe you could just add some nice photos or paintings everywhere. I feel you should give it time as you may just get used to it and like the above comment said it's not worth losing a bond over.


LOL firstly be thankful that u have a roof over ur head! There are alot of people who would love just that. U applied for it so it mustn't have been too bad! Also I wouldn't go doing anything dramatic to it as it sounds so old that ur more than likely to do alot of damage. Prob be better off going to DFO to a cheapish rug shop and buy some rugs/mats to put over it instead. Lastly I hope nothing goes boo/ bump in the night:)


My first rental had an orange floor in the kitchen, line green cabinets on the wall and a bright blue bathtub

Just because you’re in your 20’s doesn’t mean you can change the house
I was 23 when I got my first rental

It’s a floor get over it and if the real estate goes in there do an inspection and sees you changed something you will be made to
Remove it and pay for the removal and all damages


I think it would make more work then it’s worth and I feel like temp stuff in a kitchen would just get dirty and unhygienic quick.
I’d probably go crazy trying to live in the unit I used to live in when I first moved out, so I get where you’re coming from. I’m very modern and always take pride in the way my house looks so ugly rentals wouldn’t be my thing.
I’d suggest to keep in the look out for something nicer and just put up with what you’ve got for now.


I do understand where your coming from in one way, it's one of the drawbacks of renting. Unfortunately most rentals are a bit ugly, aesthetics aren't really a high priority for landlords usually.

However, on the other hand I think you're being a tad picky. I've lived in 2 rentals over the last 10 years. While neither of these places have been ugly, they have both been so run down and required so much maintenance the first one became unlivable. The one I'm in now needs many minor repairs (i have doors that dont open properly, my oven doesn't work properly, the paint is peeling off the walls) and I spent the last 5 years pestering them about getting some decent heating in to combat the mould and mildew issue. So I tend to think if your house is functional that's better than looking nice because in my experience functionality is a rare thing to come by in rentals.

I guess the best you can do is put your own personal touch on the place, put some rugs and bath mats down to cover as much of your floor as possible (and you can take them with you when you leave, where as a piece of vynil is no use to you after).


Don't lay anything down without asking for permission from the Landlord first. If you need to, get a nice rug or bathroom mat. To change up the kitchen, look at certain colour schemes that work well (i.e. pink plates, cups, etc) whatever works in there.

It's just a house though and you did choose to live there. If you had issues with it you shouldn't have applied and found something you were happier with. Maybe once you've had a few inspections and have a semi-decent rapport, you could request some minor changes (i.e. being allowed to put vinyl on the floor and cover any expenses when you leave if damage has occurred) and hope they approve it.


Go for it! You're paying to live there, so technically it's YOUR house. Vinyl never hurt anything. Since it's an old style, you should probably cover the kitchen benches and cupboards in vinyl too! Also, replace the handles in the kitchen. Same goes for the bathroom, it's probably faded and horrendous. Vinyl wrap it, it comes off easy and is totally safe.
They'll thank you for renovating for them, and maybe even lower the rent because of it! While you're at it, you may as well do them a favour and renovate where you can. Replace the light covers, paint or vinyl wrap the walls, dig up any ugly old garden. Why not, it's your house!


Oh good lord, the inaccuracy of this actually hurts.
Please do not follow this advice OP. Not unless you want to get none of your bond back and tarnish your rental history.

It's not your property to modify, you pay to live there that's all.
Read over your lease agreement and it should give you all the information you need on what you can and can't do, I think you'll find you're not permitted to make permanent changes, You cannot renovated (for many reasons) and you will definitely not get reduced rent for it.

And please do not contact the bench or cupboards, I would probably cry if I walked into my investment home and the tenants had done that!


If I'm reading it right, the sarcasm is hilarious hahahahah!!!!!
