Baby won’t take a bottle and I’m going back to work


Baby won’t take a bottle and I’m going back to work

So my girl is 7 months and I’m back to work 3 times a week in 1 month. She won’t take a bottle.. I’m going insane!
So far I’ve tried close to nature, mimbie, comotomo, avent, nuk and pigeon and nothing! I can’t keep on spending money on bottles that won’t work.. we have done dad giving The bottle, watching tv while giving the bottle, mum leaving the house, at grandma’s house, grandma giving the bottle and still a no! I’m so worried..

Can anyone tell me how your baby took a bottle? How long did it take? Did you try every day every feed?

Thanks :)

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

3 Replies


Buy some apple puree dip the puree into the teat of the bottle and then let her sick on it once she realises its milk she will sick but she needs an excuse to suck that's why the apple puree works its sweet and encourages her to suck once she starts suck she should get the milk and all good. Did this for 2 of my kids that were fussy going from breast to bottle


My niece was like this. They just used to mix up her formula and feed it to her from a cup. She never ever used a bottle. Once she was a bit older, they just let her drink water during the day and she breastfed once Mum was home from work and during the night.


At 7 months she can have a take and toss cup from coles and finger food (baby led weaning) or breast milk or formula in rice cerial /pureed foods etc depending on what way you choose to introduce solids. She'll be fine.
