Pregnant on Implanon


Pregnant on Implanon

Just wondering if anyone else has gotten pregnant with Implanon in?

All week I've been starving, exhausted, moody and had heart burn ( the only other time I get heart burn is when I'm pregnant) I know I should take a test but I have a feeling it's going to be positive and not sure if I am ready to face that.

Looking for stories from other mums who've gotten pregnant on the rod, how it worked out and if there were any specific side effects?

Posted in:  Pregnancy

3 Replies


Sorry to sound harsh but everyone is different and there is no point putting it off....just take the test so you know for sure what your dealing with or go and see a GP


I've been on implanon for 7 years, it's exceedingly unlikely you are pregnant (it is 99.9% effective, so you only have 0.1% chance of falling pregnant - obviously not impossible but very improbable).
Implanon is very good at mimicking pregnancy symptoms, i've had about 4 times of very specific pregnancy symptoms where I've been convinced I was pregnant, of course I wasn't. I'm sort of used to it now 😂

Do a test mate, you're just torturing yourself by putting it off.


I had it and thought I was also pregnant. Had shocking symptoms, sore boobs, weight gain and mood swings, felt very angry. Needless to say I had it taken out. Best to take a test and see. Goodluck xx
