Sleeping with the ex??!!


Sleeping with the ex??!!

Did anyone still sleep with their ex after they separated?
It has come up in conversation as neither of us are seeing anyone, and to me it feels alot more comfortable than a random at the pub. (Yes I have a good vibrator already)
Wanted to get experiences from others.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

14 Replies


Done it, got the certificate to confirm I'm an idiot. Don't DO IT.

It just confuses shit. It makes things messy again and if you have kids together, please don't do it!


If youre not getting back together, don't do it!! While you're sleeping together, you're not moving on, and you really need to, so you need him out of your private life.


Do you have kids together? If so, I definitely wouldn't keep doing it.


Recipe for disaster. Period!


Ewwww...sure you are over him? The thought of sleeping with my ex makes my skin crawl. Don't do it, as convenient as it is, a random at the pub would be far less messy lol


I did and regretted it.
It seemed fine at the time but then I wanted to meet other people and find a real connection with someone else. He wasn't willing to let that go. As much as he told me he understood it was just physical and nothing more he couldn't separate his feelings for me and it got ugly.
Real ugly. But he also turned into psycho. Threatened my boss (because he was a man and believed were sleeping together). Threatened me "that I'd be sorry". Stalked my Facebook and sent messages to my male friends warning them away.

All because we were still sleeping together.
Dont do it.
Get on a dating app if you want something simple or go home with strangers (be careful)

Even if doesn't get crazy like my situation was, someone is likely to get hurt.


I have we had been seperated just over a year. Yes we have a child together. We did casually for just over 2 years. We don't get on well living together but separately we are much happier people. We gradually just stopped doing it and now we're both not interested anymore. It was purely just to fulfil a physical need and we were both on the same page about it. By the looks i sound like the exception to the norm. But you're both adults! Good luck whatever you decide x


i did it,
We're no longer ex's but been back together for over a year now and stronger than ever,
But when we split we always said we'd work on ourselves and see where we stood in a couple of years more for the kids,
Our friendship became real strong and we were enjoying each other a lot more, so we risks getting back together and we're happier than ever


Yeah i did that for a while. Felt like a good idea at the time but honestly wasn't worth the self loathing afterwards. Take up a hobby, travel. Do something other than your ex because you will look back and ask yourself why you bothered in a few years time.


I did for about 6 months after I separated from my sons dad, he didn't finish work until 11, so would pop around while our son was asleep. All seemed well and good until I found a new love interest and stopped, so the ex was overly jealous about it which probably came down to the fact he wasn't able to accept we were over as it was drawn out so long. I think it did more harm than good and I'd just stick to your vibrator 😜


Haha I actually am probably one of the few who did it and it helped. I slept with him about three years after we broke up (due to long distance) and realised we were now quite different people. But still kissed him about a year after that at a party. I avoid seeing him (without my current partner) as I'm now in a happy relationship but he still holds part of my love, or maybe just lust lol


It's pretty common, but not a good idea. Close the door for good.


I got a baby doing this.
It is messy and you will regret it.
He is definitely looking for others to sleep with and won't tell you if he wearing something etc etc


I did this with my ex and it was the worst desicion ever!! I thought i was over him but the minute we shared that intimacy everything came back for both of us and it wasnt healthy
