When did your baby start sleeping through the night?


When did your baby start sleeping through the night?

Hi Mummas

When did your baby start sleeping through the night?

My 11month old boy has never slept through the night :(

We've pretty much tried everything. I'm not looking for miracle techniques. Just wanna know I'm not the only one still getting up multiple times a night. I feel like everyone I know has babies that sleep 7-7

I'm up 2 times on a good night. On the rare occasion he will only wake once and I can probably count this on one hand it has been so rare. I'm up every hour or two on a bad night.

I'm beyond exhausted and my relationship with my partner has turned sour.

Thanks so much

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler

4 Replies


My boy was around 2 and a half


My 3 almost 4 year old still doesn't sleeep through the night. ?My other two have slept through since 2 years old.


My first is 6 & still wakes but from about 4 she slept well. My second from about 1 but is an early riser. There certainly isn't anything right or wrong. Lots of factors can cause sleep issues like temperature, reflux, night terrors. Hang in there because one day they will get the hang of it


My 2 and a half year old still doesn't sleep through.
