Moving school


Moving school

Moving schools . I've got the opportunity to move to my dream house . However it will mean moving my kids schools . I'm so nervous doing this- in case I move my family to a different area and the kids don't settle in the school . My daughter has mild ADHD and loves her school and her teachers love her and know her . I'm petrified this won't be the case if I move .
I asked both my kids their thought on moving they don't even seem bothered and are happy to go ! Any words of advise mums ?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt

7 Replies

Fawn Dunkley

I moved my daughter into a small private school after being at a public school for 2 years and she is LOVING it! I did a couple of tours with her at her new school, talked to the teachers and everything first and she was so excited about moving and is doing fantastic there. I decided to not post anonymously in case you wanted to know anything else, feel free to message me on Facebook if you have any other questions, my daughter has some sensory issues so her old school was too distracting for her.


I moved schools and hated it and I take moving kids really seriously, but if its your dream house and dream location and its a permanent move then go for it. Also depends on their age and school year and the fact theyre for it I think is a bonus.


I moved schools numerous times as a child, took a few days to make new friends at every school, but i never found changing schools a drama. I also suffer anxiety and was "different" to most kids and i always adjusted really well (have had anxiety since i was very young, wont go into reasons why) and the fact that your kids are ok with changing schools and moving is an added bonus.


I moved primary schools twice. It was an adventure and fun. I have Aspergers so the change should have been difficult but it wasn't.
Check out the schools in the area you want to live in though.


I would say go for it, if your children are happy to move then I think just up and do it. Also, it really is the high school years that matter most so if they are only in PS I wouldn't be to fussed :)


My parents had a few opportunities to move while we were growing up and didn't take the leap due to wanting to keep us at the same schools for our education and always planned to travel and do their thing when we were old enough to either move out or take care of ourselves.. Dad had a massive heart attack and died at 53 and they never got the chance. Kids are resilient, take the leap and go for your dream house! Obviously you have your kids best interests at heart, that includes you being happy and having things you want too


My kids have special needs. I've moved them a few times in search of better support. I think it depends on what the new school is like. If your daughter's needs aren't too difficult for teaching staff to meet, then it won't be too hard to transition. Go and meet them then tee up a little meet n greet for the kids. Ask for a buddy to help her settle in.
