Is this love?


Is this love?

My husband SAYS he loves me, but his actions seem to say the opposite...but I don't know if I'm just being super-sensitive and/or selfish.

For example, I have a 45 minute lunch break, so yesterday I went home to see him (he's on sick leave atm) after we'd already organized it on the phone that morning and he said he was looking forward to seeing me - but when I got home he spent most of the time looking at selling things on the internet, or out in the kitchen talking to my Mum (we live in my parents garage) instead of with me.

He's saved photos of bikini models onto his phone and has no photos of me on there at all, and has no interest in taking photos of me either. I have to ask him to take photos of me when we go out (I take photos of him all the time) and he puts no effort into getting nice shots of me at all. If I have a photo of another guy on my phone, or have my dog as my home screen pic instead of him, he sooks and whinges until I change it to one of him or us.

Whenever we go on a date or go out somewhere nice, he spends 90% of the time with his eyes glued on other girls (usually tall blondes - I'm a short, dark Indian). He tells me that if my body isn't perfect all the time and I don't wear sexy clothes that exposes most of my body, that it gives him the right to look at other women like that because he needs eye candy. When I don't agree, I get called "damaged" all sorts of names. He's also told me that he wishes he was married to a blonde party girl instead of me.

When we go to bed, he'll spend hours on his phone looking at FB or watching movies and seems to forget I exist unless he's horny. He's recently told me that I don't give him enough sex so he has to look at porn to satisfy himself regularly. I am 100% against porn so I am trying to initiate more sex but some nights I don't have the emotional energy, so he jerks off beside me in bed when he thinks I'm asleep. Whenever we do have sex, I prefer to "make love" because I do actually love him and I want that emotional connection with him, but it's easy to see that he's simply using my lady parts to get himself off because there is no emotional connection there at all and he doesn't look at me.

He's not always like this - when he senses I'm about to explode after bottling everything up, he all of a sudden starts helping around the house, pays me attention, speaks to me gently and tells me I'm amazing, will spend money on me and make the effort to make me smile/laugh but will never take me on a date - I always have to be the one organize that, for some reason. He speaks to me as if I'm a small child.

The times I feel emotionally connected to him is after I crack it about whatever's going on at the time, and he apologizes and tries to make me feel loved and valued. Or when we're talking about the future - ie: buying a house. I feel really connected to him then.

Whenever I ask him if he truly loves me, he gets angry, cries, and calls me "f***ing b*tch", "selfish" and "the worst person in the world" and throws his phone in a fit of rage and tells me never to ask him that again because it breaks his heart. I only ask because he only tell me he loves me about once or twice a month, and usually I'm desperate to hear him say "I Love You" by then...

We've been to counselling, but he tells me he goes because I'm the one who's damaged and needs fixing...he's just there to support me. A really good counselor we were going to has just retired so now I feel like I have no-one to talk to.

I'm burning out. I'm trying to keep him happy but I feel like I'm being used, and that a loving husband wouldn't treat their wives like this. My Dad would never treat my Mum like this but no-one sees him treat me like this - he's a perfect gentleman in front of others.

I am miserable, and my anxiety is skyrocketing and I'm beginning to think that he'd be happier if I wasn't around anymore. I'm sure this isn't love?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

7 Replies


This is sad to hear you sound like a lovely woman and basically he is being the damaged ugly selfish man the audacity to look at porn and oogle blondes is down right piggish... hate that blonde party girl my @#$%#$# no offence to blondez more him it would straight up annoy you its emotionL abuse so im gonna say this
I have had a fraction of this in my relationship and I wish now I hada dumped his ass yrs ago these men are boys there stuck to mummys boobs all their lives they have serious issues pack up your stuff and walk and be happy life is way too short for that uhh this makes me mad good look and when he does it again smile and think let him have his party blonde because the party always ends and by god no matter what hair colour or body type they have they too will become a problem or damaged because he is the one with the twisted mind prayers to you
My advice get yourself to yoga get strong mentally and when you do you will see the door is the happiest place you will be


It doesn't matter if he loves you or not. What matters is he is an emotionally abusuve asshole!

This guy will ruin your life. He will have your self esteem on the floor (if it isn't already) and will have you tying yourself in knots until you are a psychological wreck. I've dated your guy, my sister married your guy. It takes a long time to recover from them but the sooner you get rid of him the faster you'll feel better and before long you will wonder why you stayed with him as long as you did.


I see nothing about children, perfect... RUN. As far and as fast as you can, do not breed with him, no second chances. He is beyond second chances.

I know you love him, and I know you want to fix him but you can't. It's not that you're not good enough. It's basically just because he's an asshole and doesn't care.


No, it's not love. He sounds like a manipulative wanker!!
Do yourself a favour and leave now and find someone who is worthy of you xx


The fact that you think HE'D be happier without you around speaks volumes! He's being an absolute douchebag and you deserve better. You need to focus on your own happiness. If he can't change and treat you with love and respect, it might be time to walk away.

This is definitely not love.


RED FLAGS everywhere! His actions and behaviour and how you are feeling, confused, and the fact his words don't match his actions screams he's has NPD ( Narcissistic Personality Disorder). Please research it!!! Psychopath Free is a wonderful Facebook page / website full of info. And 'love and light after Narcissistic abuse" is another FB page to check out. RUN, RUN, RUN!!!


DO NOT HAVE CHILDREN WITH THIS MAN, he will make your's / their lives a LIVING HELL. He's a manipulative Narcissist by your description. GOOGLE IT. Also could be Narcissistic Sociopath. RUN AND DON"T FALL FOR HIS LIES and how much he 'loves' you. The truth is in the behaviour!!!!!!!
