"Thanks" just doesn't cut it! Sharing a positive story


"Thanks" just doesn't cut it! Sharing a positive story

Hi IMs, long time follower first time poster! This is not a question but rather something positive I wanted to share with the Sister/brotherhood.

A simple good deed has not gone unnoticed. To me,this random act of kindness has touched my heart and reminded me that sometimes even the helpers need help. It reminded me that not everyone can do it all and be everything - all of the time... and that accepting help is beneficial for both the giver and receiver.

Last night my 5year old was in the ER having an asthma attack. He was having a meltdown over the fact that the ventolin was being administered via nebuliser and this set off an aggressive sensory and emotional overload. He was struggling for air and yet his screams filled the halls. I froze. Generally quick to act and know exactly how to handle, calm and console my baby - I was in a powerless state of zombie uselessness. I wanted to talk to him but nothing came out, a lump blocked my throat from making any sound and all I could do was hold back tears as I held his arms from hitting the nurse and I.

Suddenly a stranger came in a started holding my boy's hand, giving a gentle squeeze to his leg and soothing him with her soft voice. His body started to relax and he slowed his breathing and eventually drifted off to sleep with the mask on to help him breathe - while all I could do was wipe the tears running down his face.

On two separate occassions this stranger came into the room to soothe him when I couldn't seem to get it together. She talked and played with him when he calmed down and genuinely they seemed to bond. She checked on him while he slept and chatted to me. She stayed with him while I ran to fill his water and make a quick coffee at 1am.

For years of his life I have defused meltdowns and copped a beating when the world doesn't make sense for him. I stand firmly as a human object for him to physically regulate his emotions on when his therapeutic aids are out of reach. I understand him when no one else does. We have been the object of stares, judgement, rudeness and sheer lack of compassion from onlookers. Aside from my own family and friends who understand and are fantastic supports - in 5 years I have never had a stranger reach out to lend a hand with understanding, kindness and patience like this woman did. She wasn't to know about his Autism or his Sensory Processing Disorder. All she knew was she just had to help, to try. And blow me down with a feather it worked!

Whoever you are mystery saving grace, you have shown us love and understanding and we are so grateful for your intervention. You are an Earth Angel and I will always remember what you did for my boy, and for me. All I can do is pay it forward, and remind others that sometimes someone struggles with something that you don't understand and that might scare you. You look with judgements or disgust or you look away feeling sorry for the people involved. That person just might need a gentle hand, a simple smile or a hug. Thank you to the mystery woman and the beautiful souls like her everywhere! I feel so blessed and grateful, and with all the negativity in the world - I wanted to spread the light. ?

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Aspergers & Autism

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