How to relocate to a new town


How to relocate to a new town

Can I hear others experiences with moving towns? How did you weigh it all up and know it was right for your family? I feel stuck and scared if I take the leap and it doesn't work I will be even more stuck!
For years we have talked about relocating for a better lifestyle, so we can afford a house with a yard and maybe even have left over to save for buying home.
My main concern is, If we move from our current place there is no way we would be able to afford to move back if we didn't like the new town or it didn't work. We rent privately in a very cheap townhouse everything else is well above this by $100s. We can't afford to move within our area.
In the new town we are looking at moving we could have a huge house and yard for $100 less each week.
How do others relocate with the juggle of daycare wait lists and finding work?
There is 3yr wait list in our area for daycare, I have finally secured 2 days a week care. The thought of giving it up and waiting years again is terrifying. Work is already hard to come by and money tight.
I'm a already hours from family, is it wrong for me to move my kids further away from their grandmother they adore?
I want to give it a go but how do I make the leap when there is no going back? Where do I start?
Thank you!

Posted in:  Sisterhood Stories, Money

2 Replies


Don't assume there are big waiting lists in the new town, ring around and find out. I live in Cairns and I needed childcare mon, weds, Friday, walked to the childcare centre at the end of the street on Friday and he started Monday. Also, look at employment in the area, if you can't get jobs, it's not going to be a good lifestyle. I would probably try and get hubby to get a job before you move, sometimes you have to just take that leap of faith (I did), you only live once!


You do your homework before you move.
Ring day cares now. Ask what there wait lists are like.
Personally moving before you have a job is crazy. I've moved a lot, smxmy parents have moved a lot. None of us have ever moved without having a job first.
