Teething baby


Teething baby

My one year old is teething bad. She got her first bottom 2 at 3 months and the rest of the 4 bottom and 4 top followed not long after. She bow has the back ones coming. Any suggestions on what I can do to help her other than gel and panadol. Can someone tell me about those necklaces. Or are there any remitives bi can give her. First time mum and its always been just us. Had seeing her in pain.
Thanks for your suggestions :)

Posted in:  Mental Health, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler

1 Replies


Alternate between panadol and nurofen. (Panadol, 2 hours later nurofen, 2 hours later panadol).
The Amber teething necklaces don't work on all children. So there's no garuntee they'll work fork for her.
Offering cold things to chew on could help. Freeze a wet face washer to chew on.
Frozen berries are favourite in this house. (Just a bag of frozen mixed berries. My 14 month old loves them. )
