Moving On


Moving On

Hi I am looking for opinions on what people think is a reasonable time after a break up for either party to hook up with someone else and by hook up I mean sleep with. Would you be offended if your partner had moved on to someone else within a week, a month, 6 months. I know it's all circumstantial but just interested to hear what others think.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

6 Replies


I think it really depends on how long the relationship was.
As a general guide I say a month for every year of the relationship.


What?? Ive been with mine for 17yrs, if we broke up theres no way i would wait 17mths!


Fair enough. I was married 13 years and waited 13 months. Everyone is different...


I think who ever they have sex with is none of my business, and the same goes in reverse. Some people just like to go out and get a few bonks under there belt to boost there confidence.
Going into a relationship and bringing that person into children's lives is something different all together.
I think waiting 12 months at least especially when kids are involved. The kids need to adjust, I need to process the rekationship and I hate it when blokes are still trying to grieve there last relationship and start one up with me, it's disrespectful to the new partner, so I don't do it.


Completely circumstantial.
Theres no time limit.


If you're really broken up it doesnt matter and the ex shouldn't know about it. Personally I think within a few weeks is bad taste and hurtful and this is where idiots turn around and decide they'll try again but theyve fucked up because theyre erratic.
But for the adults who can think it through, I think once you're really separated then alls fair and yeah some people do it just to move on.

Actually I think it's not about time, I think it is about circumstances, when you're no longer seeing or speaking to your ex everyday or at all, because for me bdekaups seem to take a while of talking to kind of separate abd see and make sure, but once you're sure and you move out and aren't in contact, then you're free to move on.
